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30 questions to ask before purchasing a Ring Back Tone Platform - Part 2

16. Do you have Tone gifting/Recommendations?

Yes, Defne RBT has a tone gifting feature. A gift option is available on channels. The basic service flow is as follows; Once a subscriber (A party) gives a tone to another subscriber (B party), Defne RBT reserves the charge amount from A party while informing the B party with an SMS notification and expecting the B party to approve it within 24 hours. Once the B party accepts the gift, A party is charged for the reserved amount and the tone is automatically installed on B Party’s personal list. B party is charged for the renewals. Micro-charging is not applied for gifted content. Defne RBT checks the subscription status of B party before reserving the charge amount from A Party. If the B party is a home subscriber but not an RBT subscriber, Defne RBT auto provisions the B party. If the gift is not accepted by the B Party, then Defne RBT cancels the subscription on both the RBT platform and BSS systems.

17. Do you have an RBT copy feature i.e copy from a number and press "any number or code" to copy

Yes, Defne RBT has copy RBT feature. Any digits or digit combination is set as a copy command. i.e “*3”

18. Do you support RBT suspension and resume both at the service level and subscription level?

Yes, Defne RBT supports suspend and resume features both at the service and subscription levels.

19. Do you offer RBT music box feature

Yes, Defne RBT offers Music Box and Music Packages.

20. Do you have Content provider RBT support inbuilt?

Yes, Defne RBT has Content Provider features on CP Portal. CPs can manage content and content metadata, Artists, Albums, Music Box, and Music Packages as well as Corporate Accounts.

21. Do you offer an RBT time period setting?

Yes, Defne RBT allows the following time period settings;

· Play Always

· Play in Working Hours

· Play on the weekends

· Play From <Day> to <Day>

· Play on <Day>

· Play every day from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>

· Play on <Day> from <hh:mm> to <hh:mm>

· Play on <dd/mm/yyyy>

· Play from <dd/mm/yyyy> to <dd/mm/yyyy>

22. Do you support Sequential and random RBT playback and can be configurable?

Yes, Defne RBT supports Sequential and random RBT playback. Subscribers can configure it during playlist settings. If the subscriber selects shuffled playback, then the songs will play sequentially, otherwise plays randomly.

23. Do you have Inbuilt Rewards management? Explain the proposed solution.

Defne RBT platform allows subscribers to purchase content with their bonuses. Our bonus/rewards management feature is not inbuilt. Instead, we integrate with the operator’s CRM for Rewards management.

24. Do you RBT support Hang up sms feature?

Hang-up SMS is an application that triggers a notification to invite the calling party to subscribe to RBT service. The conditions to trigger a Hang up SMS is as follows;

· Calling Party must be a Home Network subscriber.

· Calling Party must be a non-RBT subscriber.

· Calling party should have listened a branded content.

25. Do you support RBT's welcome announcement?

Defne RBT supports Welcome announcements both in IVR and Called/Caller RBT.

26. Do you inbuilt background RBT in the solution?

Defne RBT supports providing background tone during Called/Caller RBT i.e for promoting Copy RBT feature.

27. Do you have RBT phonebook support to include transfer playlist to phonebook list, sharable social music/RBT, etc

Defne RBT has an inbuilt contact management feature. Subscribers can create contact groups (friends, family) on Mobile App easily by using the address book on their phone. We offer a custom solution to integrate with Operator’s address book platform through API.

28. Does the solution support Outbound dialing, OBD features? Discuss the features of the proposed solution.

Defne offers its Outbound Call Suit (OCS) product to create various enhanced Outbound Dialling scenarios. We allow operators to create custom outbound call scenarios by using Defne Service Creation Environment (SCE) on OCS.

29. Do you support RBT try and buy later feature support.

Try & Buy functionality is an opportunity for subscribers to "test" the service for free. CP, in agreement with CM, can determine a certain set of ringtones that can be ordered by subscribers (not being customers of the service) one time free of charge for a certain period of time (for example, a week, 10 days, etc.). The subscriber who ordered a Try&Buy ringtone can buy/gift regular content in a standard method.

30. Do you support the use of DIY (Do it Yourself), PRBT? Name tunes, Inbuilt Text to Speech DIY RBT, UGC RBT, etc

User can record their own voice content on IVR, Mobile App and Web Portal channels.

Let's ask more questions;

31. Does the solution support devotional content RBT for all faiths?

Defne RBT platform is independent of the essence of the contents. Therefore, yes, it supports.

32. RBT support for different languages should be supported in the proposed solution. Explain how this is achieved

RBT platform supports multiple languages/alphabets in terms of labels, sms notifications, and content metadata. When creating content CPs can enter each language/alphabet variant of song name, Album Name, or Artist Name as well as the Music Box Name. Admin can set the sms notifications in multiple languages/alphabets. Defne RBT platform sends SMS notifications in both GSM7-bit and UCS2 encoded.

33. RBT rate content for subscribers solution proposed

Subscribers can rate the contents on WEB Portal and Mobile App.

34. Do you have support for Auto status RBT including RBT call sign support, low battery RBT, sleeping RBT, etc?

Defne RBT may offer the Auto Status services as on/off feature on Mobile App/SMS/WEB Portal channels. Even we can offer these services within a separate subscription tariff

35. Do you have an RBT blacklist feature/DND/whitelist

Yes, Defne Outbound Dialler provides a DND feature that is fed automatically by CRM. It also allows subscribers to set their DND statuses by SMS as well (independently from CRM). Another blacklisting feature is for CRBT which allows RBT subscribers to blacklist particular callers from listening to their tones. Instead, blacklisted callers will listen to the regular dial tone.

36. Do you support RBT catalog management for instance managing different dynamic categories

Yes, RBT admin can create various Tags(Catalogs) / Tag Contents dynamically.

37. Do you support Default RBT support for fail-safe e.g when customized RBTs can not play

Yes, Defne RBT plays a regular dial tone when the DB cluster is completely down or the media application can not read the contents on the media file system.

38. Do you support Chartbuster RBT?

Defne RBT provides Best Selling content via API for further use of 3rd party applications for their promotional activities. Admin can also configure the best-selling contents to be promoted on Mobile App/Web Portal.

39. Do you support a Prompt management system for managing RBT prompts

Yes, System Admin can change the prompts on the filesystem.

40 Do you have support for failed download/renew retry? This should include a 100% subscription i.e download successfully but suspend until charging is successful.

Yes, We call it pre-processing. If the subscriber failed to purchase/renew the tone due to insufficient balance, we keep this request in an idle state and notify BSS with a charge fail event, and then wait for the top-up notification from BSS systems. Once the top-up notification is received from the BSS systems platform retries charging the subscriber.

41. Do you support Cross-selling and marketing RBT in other products

Defne RBT provisioning API includes all kinds of functions such as content catalog listing, and ordering/service activation to allow 3rd party applications to manage their marketing activities.


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